Get Started

Below is a compilation of Arduino IDE-compatible software to help you kickstart your EEE journey. Easily copy and paste the code snippets below into the IDE and upload the code.

1. Installing the drivers
Before connecting your board to the PC let's install the latest driver required to program your board. Simply download the file from the link bellow and install it.

2. Choosing IDE
To program the board, you will need to use an IDE. It is generally a choice of the desifner, however for simplicity this tutorial will assume Arduino IDE. You can download it an install it from their website bellow

3. Setting up the IDE
Before running your first script, lets make sure that the IDE is setup correctly. You can now connect your board to the PC. Find the dropdown menu labelled "Select Board" and choose the port your the board is connected to. In the pop-up window find and select "Arduino Uno". Thats it.

4. Running your first script
You are now ready to program the board, choose one of the example scripts bellow. Simply copy and paste it into the enviroment and click upload (CTRL+U).


Button Interupt

//defines ACT_LED as pin 13 
#define ACT_LED    13           

//function ran once on startup
void setup()                   
//sets up ACT_LED (Pin D13) as an output
pinMode(ACT_LED, OUTPUT);    

//forever loop
void loop()                   
//turns the led OFF
digitalWrite(ACT_LED, HIGH);
// waits 1 second  
//turns the led ON                  
digitalWrite(ACT_LED, LOW);   
// wait one second                

//defines BUTTON_PIN as pin 2 
#define BUTTON_PIN 2

//function ran once on startup
void setup()
//initializes serial connection at baud rate 9600

//initalizes pin D2 (button), to trigger interuptHanlder function when D2 goes form high to low.
attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(BUTTON_PIN), interuptHandler, FALLING);

//forever loop
void loop()
//do nothing or something

//when the button is pressed anything happening
//in void loop is halted and interuptHandler()
//is executed, in this case a message is printed
void interuptHandler()
Serial.println("Hello from Axiometa Spark - you pressed a button");



//defines ACT_LED as pin 13
#define ACT_LED 13
//defines LDR_PIN as pin A3
#define LDR_PIN A3

//function ran once on startup
void setup()
//sets up LDR_PIN (Pin A3) as an input
pinMode(LDR_PIN, INPUT);
//sets up ACT_LED (Pin D13) as an output

//forever loop
void loop()
//dataLDR stores integer data sampled from analog pin 3 (0-1023)
int dataLDR = analogRead(LDR_PIN);

// if sampled data is greater than 400, the led will turn off
if (dataLDR > 400)
digitalWrite(ACT_LED, HIGH);

// if sampled data is lower than 400, the led will turn on
digitalWrite(ACT_LED, LOW);
//defines PWM_LED as pin 10 
#define PWM_LED 10

//function ran once on startup
void setup()
//sets up PWM_LED (Pin D10) as an output

//forever loop
void loop()
//Changes voltage on the D10 from 0-255 where o is 0V and 255 is 5V. With a step of +10every 30ms
for (int pwmValue = 0 ; pwmValue <= 255; pwmValue += 10)
analogWrite(PWM_LED, pwmValue);

//Changes voltage on the D10 from 255-0 where o is 0V and 255 is 5V. With a step of -10 every 30ms
for (int pwmValue = 255 ; pwmValue >= 0; pwmValue -= 10)
analogWrite(PWM_LED, pwmValue);

Factory Default

#define ACT_LED 13
#define PWM_LED 10
#define BUTTON_PIN 2
#define LDR_PIN A3

void setup()
attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(BUTTON_PIN), interuptHandler, FALLING);

void loop()
lightDetection(); //if the surrounding light is too low, the led turns on

PWM(); //fades a PWM LED

void startupLED()
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
digitalWrite(13, HIGH); delay(100);
digitalWrite(13, LOW); delay(100);

void lightDetection()
int dataLDR = analogRead(LDR_PIN);
if (dataLDR > 400)
digitalWrite(ACT_LED, HIGH);
digitalWrite(ACT_LED, LOW);

void PWM()
for (int fadeValue = 0 ; fadeValue <= 255; fadeValue += 15)
analogWrite(PWM_LED, fadeValue);

for (int fadeValue = 255 ; fadeValue >= 0; fadeValue -= 15)
analogWrite(PWM_LED, fadeValue);

void interuptHandler()
Serial.println("Hello from Axiometa Spark - you pressed a button");
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